Branding Mural for ZEN Co-Learn – IIT Madras – Chennai

The ZEN Co-Learning program at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras is a creative initiative that fosters collaboration and learning among individuals. To enhance the program’s identity and create a visually captivating environment, a branding mural was commissioned. This case study explores the process and key elements behind the creation of the mural, aimed at capturing the essence of the program and evoking a creative and dynamic energy.


The primary objective of the mural project was to visually represent the core values of the ZEN Co-Learning program, including curiosity, creativity, professionalism, and trust. The mural aimed to inspire and engage participants while creating an environment conducive to learning and collaboration. The design concept for the mural focused on incorporating modern illustrations and a color palette that resonated with the program’s values. The chosen style aimed to convey a sense of energy and innovation while maintaining a professional and inviting atmosphere. The illustrations were carefully crafted to capture the essence of the program and evoke the desired emotions.


The color palette was chosen to reflect the program’s values. Vibrant and warm colors were used to convey curiosity and creativity, while maintaining a professional and trustworthy appeal. The final concept was transformed into detailed illustrations and design elements. Our team paid meticulous attention to composition, ensuring that the mural’s design conveyed the intended message. The illustrations depicted collaborative scenes, knowledge-sharing, and the dynamic nature of the program.


The ZEN Co-Learning program branding mural project by at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, effectively captured the essence of the program by incorporating modern illustrations and a thoughtfully selected color palette. The mural’s design conveyed the intended message and evoked the desired emotions, enhancing the program’s identity and creating an inspiring learning environment. Through its visual impact, the mural successfully fostered a sense of curiosity, creativity, professionalism, and trust among the program participants.